Tuesday, July 10, 2012

What is this whole TRX thing anyway?

I consider myself a runner.  I've completed a handful of marathons, half marathons, 10ks, and 5ks.  I've recently started focusing more on the distance races.  If you've been around any group of athletes, chances are you've heard your fair share of "war" stories with training woes, stagnant training programs, and countless nagging injuries. 

The other day I heard some runners talking about using the TRX to train for a half marathon.  My first though was "What in the world is a TRX?" I was informed that it is a suspension trainer that utilizes the users body weight for training.  OK, suspension?  Is this like an acrobat type thing?  I saw some pictures and videos and it looked really fun and very challenging. 

I'm going to learn how to do that handstand one day

I signed up for a four week TRX bootcamp so I can see how this crazy thing can help me train for my next half marathon. 

These runners also told me about the TRX Body?  What does that mean?  Can I really get cut and defined muscles like these guys through TRX training?

TRX BC starts tomorrow.  I have no clue what to expect.  I'm always up for a challenge but this time I'm a little nervous.  We're talking like first day of high school nervous.... What do I wear?

Check back tomorrow when I report on my first day of TRX Boot Camp.

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