Thursday, July 26, 2012

Increasing the Intensity

So, I've been a little disconnected the past few days.... that's probably because I'm too tired to compose my thoughts after TRX Boot Camp each evening.

The TRX Boot Camp wraps up around 7pm and I drive about 30 minutes home, then after I take a shower and cook dinner, it takes all my energy to stay awake long enough to eat dinner.  But, I've been loving the past three weeks of TRX Boot Camp.  I feel leaner and stronger.  I have more energy through my long, busy work days.  I sleep better at night and really feel refreshed in the morning.  I also love that the TRX Boot Camp has influence my food and nutrition choices and inspired me to eat healthier.  I've been cooking at home and picking up fresh vegetables at the local farmers markets.  I figure if I'm doing all this work at TRX Boot Camp to build strength and mobility, then I might as well complete the picture with my food and improve my overall physical health.

Here are a few highlights, a few favorites of the past few days.

Jump Rope intervals - ok so not really a TRX workout, but I loved the variety and chance to mix it up.  I know these quick pace intervals and transitions will really help increase my speed in distance running.
Fast feet, quick turnovers, talk about getting your heart rate up!

TRX Hip Drops- small subtle movements really make a huge difference.  This standing TRX move doesn't require a lot of mobility yet brings big results.... and quite the eye opening soreness the next morning.  In this position you're standing with one hip pointed to your anchor point.  Both hands are grasping the TRX handles above your head.  You then drop the outside hip out and away from the anchor and then pull yours hips back to the standing position.  You've got to try this one!  OUCH :)

Planks and Pikes- Probably one of the moves that looks the easiest, yet is actually one of the hardest.  As if holding a proper plank position wasn't hard enough, this time you add a pike and lift your hips up to the sky.  This requires some serious core strength and total body control.  Two minutes of alternating planks and pikes and you'll have trouble rolling out of bed the next morning.... Love it!

So enough about me.... When are you going to try this?

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