Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Keeps Getting Better

Hold on.  It Keeps Getting Better.  Hold On.  It Keeps Getting Better.

As if TRX Boot Camp wasn't already hard enough with strength building exercises that isolate and fire muscles I didn't know I had and intensity that makes me sweat more than my last half marathon... we added a new challenge today.  Counting.  Yes, counting.  This evening we had several 5 minute rounds.  We alternated between two exercises for 5 minutes.  The trick here was counting 30 of one exercise, then switching to do 30 of the other, then back to the first.

Now, I'd like to think I'm an intelligent person... college educated young professional in Atlanta, but counting to 30 proved to be a whole new challenge today.  Here's an example of one round: 30 TRX single leg balance lunge (15 on the right and then 15 on the left) then we flipped around for 30 TRX Jacks.  These were actually really fun.... so I may have lost count and did more than 30.  Once you completed 30 and 30 you started back over with the 30 TRX single leg balance lunges.... no breaks.  I was sweating!  This really got your blood pumping.  So we finished two more 5 minute rounds with exercises like single leg chest presses, squats with mid rows, tricep extensions and squat thrusts with mountain climbers - UGH!  That was pretty tough. I don't like squat thrusts, and I really don't like mountain climbers.... so why would the instructor combine them and make us do 20 in the middle of this insane work out.  There were definitely some new moves that I don't exactly remember.  I was too busy counting.

Counting to 30 was hard because there are so many other things running through my head to ensure that I get the most out of this workout.  I have to watch my form.  Are my hips in line?  Are my hands and feet where they need to be?  Is my core engaged and everything squeezed tight?  Am I firing my glutes when I need to?  Oh wait, don't forget to breathe! And now count... ok seriously?  After a long day of work, can my brain handle all that?  Yes, it did.  I can do anything now!

After those 5 minute rounds we had to speed things up and bit for a few "lightning rounds"  This time we had a handful of exercises that lasted about 45-30 seconds each.  We were flying through these transitions.  It's nice to finally get the hang of the TRX and understand the different cues from the instructor... like toes in the cradles, heels in the cradles, mid-calf, full length, and mid-length.  As soon as we finished one move, we quickly reset and got ready for the next.  No breaks, no time to breath, just go go go.  This is where the real "dig deep- push yourself" mentality comes in need.  If I wasn't driven to reach my goal of becoming a faster runner, then I could easily cruised through this and been bored with the workout.... but that won't happen.

I'm competitive.  I like winning.  But I also like training hard, hard than my competition, and seeing the benefits of my hard work.  In TRX Boot Camp, I'm surrounded by many other people who feel the same way.  So if I like to win, that means I have to do the most, the best, the hardest of each TRX exercise, and the guy next to me is thinking the exact same thing.

As I felt myself getting stronger and faster, this song got stuck in my head.  I realized I'm getting addicted to this TRX Boot Camp.  Day after day, this just keeps getting better.  

Looking forward to another great workout tomorrow!  You think you're ready for the TRX Boot Camp Challenge?

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