Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Rain Rain Go Away....

Well, all that anticipation and my first day of TRX Boot Camp was canceled due to the weather.  This radar wasn't playing around.  The thunder was rolling in and it showed no signs of stopping anytime soon.

While waiting on the storm I was able to chat with some new friends who have worked out on the TRX before.  These guys are called "vets" because they've already been through one TRX Boot Camp.  It was reassuring to see that they have been through the TRX boot camp and liked it enough to come back.  I also noticed how one vet and instructor hugged and said how much they missed each other.  Last week was an off week for them so only a week went by and they really missed each other.  Wow.  These folks really have a connection. 

As the storm continued to approach faster and faster we made the call to cancel the work out today.  Although I was slightly disappointed, I did respect the lead instructor's decision to put our safety first. 

Ok, so this update may have been lackluster, but tomorrow's update will be much more exciting. 

.... Come again another day.  We want to go outside and play!

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