Thursday, July 19, 2012

This isn't your mama's yoga...

Ok, ok, ok, I'll admit it.  I thought yoga was for.... well, I'll say it, wimps.  BUT, now I'll be the first to admit that I was wrong. I'm eating more words on that one.

Yesterday's TRX Boot Camp class was actually a TRX Yoga Fusion class.  Using the TRX Suspension trainer, we went through a standard yoga class with many of the classic yoga poses and flows.  Having only taken two or three yoga classes about 12-18 months ago, hearing these yoga names sounded like Japanese to me (or my friend Sean's Starbucks order.  Why can't you just order a medium coffee?  Sorry, that's a whole different story)

By now, I've gotten more comfortable on the TRX and this gave me the confidence to ease into the TRX Yoga Fusion.  It was nice for a yoga beginner like me to use the TRX as support to get into the various new yoga poses.  The class opened with a basic warm up using the TRX.  It really wasn't that much different than our normal TRX boot camp warm up so I was feeling pretty good going into the TRX Yoga Fusion.  We started in a warrior series.  I really liked how we started simple and she explained every position and then progressed through options to make it more challenging.  Of course, I took the challenge.  So we progressed into more warrior poses with one foot suspended in the TRX.  This is where the power, strength and muscle toning came in.  My legs were burning and I knew I was working.  This is was getting hard! A pleasant surprise, this is not what I expected.

Next we moved into a Sun Salutation series...  this reminded me more of TRX Boot Camp because most of these moves were done in boot camp last week.  We did some planks, chaturangas, baby cobras, and TRX Pikes.  All of these flowed together with slow and controlled motions and deep breathing. This was seriously working all the muscles in my arms, back, and core.  By this point, I was sweaty and my muscles were trembling from all the strength moves like holding the plank.  Definitely not what I originally thought about yoga.

The standing and balance part of TRX Yoga Fusion was my favorite part.  This is probably best for runners. We focused on opening the hips, balance, and flexibility in the lower body.  I can see how this will help be become a faster runner and prevent injuries as I incorporate TRX Yoga Fusion into my cross training routine.

The focus of the class was Your Will.  We ended the class with a short relaxation and time to focus on your will and how that relates back to your life as an athlete....your will to succeed, your will to train hard, push your self past conceived limits, and your will to achieve your goals.  

In the end, I'm glad I experienced this TRX Yoga Fusion because it totally changed my perspective on yoga and how it relates to athletes and myself as a runner.  I loved the new physical and mental challenge.   I  look forward to signing up for more TRX Yoga classes in the near future!

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