Monday, July 16, 2012

I Need... A Minute... To Catch... My Breath

Hold on, let me catch my breath a few seconds so I can recap tonight's TRX Boot Camp.

Ok.... now I'm ready.  Tonight's class was all about using the TRX to work on your core and cardio.  We did several rounds of exercises that were based on strength building, developing your core, and cardio to get the blood pumping!

I was tired going into the class today.  I had a busy weekend and probably didn't get enough sleep.  I started off feeling a little sluggish and slow but that quickly changed.  It had to.  There's no way to slack off or take it easy in TRX Boot Camp.  

We went through several rounds of exercises and each set of exercises focused on strength, core, and cardio.  The instructor was right on us the whole time.  She was counting the pace and the whole group had to keep up with her.  Sometimes this meant slow and controlled strength movements like bicep curls and tricep extensions.  Sometimes it was fast paced quick moves repeated over and over.  Then we moved to a core exercise like ab bridge, roll outs, or oblique V-Ups.  I'll have nightmare of those V-Ups for sure!  For two of our cardio rounds we did the "Moves of the Day".  These were TRX front squats and  TRX runners' start.  Trust me... this is more than just a squat and step back lunge.  These are intensely insane.  Again, because this is cardio focused you had to do them fast.  And not only are these fast, but also crazy hard.  The best part about these two moves is the fact that you can increase the challenge by adding a hop.  I know you're thinking, a hop?  What's the big deal about a hop?  Well, you try a minute of TRX front squats with a hop .  Then try to answer the question..... I'll give you a few seconds to catch your breath first.

I'm loving every minute of this TRX Boot Camp!  I came in today tired, sluggish, and feeling over all dull.  I left feeling energized and strong like a Super Hero!  

Can't wait to see what new challenge they have for me in TRX Boot Camp tomorrow!

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