Thursday, July 26, 2012

Increasing the Intensity

So, I've been a little disconnected the past few days.... that's probably because I'm too tired to compose my thoughts after TRX Boot Camp each evening.

The TRX Boot Camp wraps up around 7pm and I drive about 30 minutes home, then after I take a shower and cook dinner, it takes all my energy to stay awake long enough to eat dinner.  But, I've been loving the past three weeks of TRX Boot Camp.  I feel leaner and stronger.  I have more energy through my long, busy work days.  I sleep better at night and really feel refreshed in the morning.  I also love that the TRX Boot Camp has influence my food and nutrition choices and inspired me to eat healthier.  I've been cooking at home and picking up fresh vegetables at the local farmers markets.  I figure if I'm doing all this work at TRX Boot Camp to build strength and mobility, then I might as well complete the picture with my food and improve my overall physical health.

Here are a few highlights, a few favorites of the past few days.

Jump Rope intervals - ok so not really a TRX workout, but I loved the variety and chance to mix it up.  I know these quick pace intervals and transitions will really help increase my speed in distance running.
Fast feet, quick turnovers, talk about getting your heart rate up!

TRX Hip Drops- small subtle movements really make a huge difference.  This standing TRX move doesn't require a lot of mobility yet brings big results.... and quite the eye opening soreness the next morning.  In this position you're standing with one hip pointed to your anchor point.  Both hands are grasping the TRX handles above your head.  You then drop the outside hip out and away from the anchor and then pull yours hips back to the standing position.  You've got to try this one!  OUCH :)

Planks and Pikes- Probably one of the moves that looks the easiest, yet is actually one of the hardest.  As if holding a proper plank position wasn't hard enough, this time you add a pike and lift your hips up to the sky.  This requires some serious core strength and total body control.  Two minutes of alternating planks and pikes and you'll have trouble rolling out of bed the next morning.... Love it!

So enough about me.... When are you going to try this?

Thursday, July 19, 2012

This isn't your mama's yoga...

Ok, ok, ok, I'll admit it.  I thought yoga was for.... well, I'll say it, wimps.  BUT, now I'll be the first to admit that I was wrong. I'm eating more words on that one.

Yesterday's TRX Boot Camp class was actually a TRX Yoga Fusion class.  Using the TRX Suspension trainer, we went through a standard yoga class with many of the classic yoga poses and flows.  Having only taken two or three yoga classes about 12-18 months ago, hearing these yoga names sounded like Japanese to me (or my friend Sean's Starbucks order.  Why can't you just order a medium coffee?  Sorry, that's a whole different story)

By now, I've gotten more comfortable on the TRX and this gave me the confidence to ease into the TRX Yoga Fusion.  It was nice for a yoga beginner like me to use the TRX as support to get into the various new yoga poses.  The class opened with a basic warm up using the TRX.  It really wasn't that much different than our normal TRX boot camp warm up so I was feeling pretty good going into the TRX Yoga Fusion.  We started in a warrior series.  I really liked how we started simple and she explained every position and then progressed through options to make it more challenging.  Of course, I took the challenge.  So we progressed into more warrior poses with one foot suspended in the TRX.  This is where the power, strength and muscle toning came in.  My legs were burning and I knew I was working.  This is was getting hard! A pleasant surprise, this is not what I expected.

Next we moved into a Sun Salutation series...  this reminded me more of TRX Boot Camp because most of these moves were done in boot camp last week.  We did some planks, chaturangas, baby cobras, and TRX Pikes.  All of these flowed together with slow and controlled motions and deep breathing. This was seriously working all the muscles in my arms, back, and core.  By this point, I was sweaty and my muscles were trembling from all the strength moves like holding the plank.  Definitely not what I originally thought about yoga.

The standing and balance part of TRX Yoga Fusion was my favorite part.  This is probably best for runners. We focused on opening the hips, balance, and flexibility in the lower body.  I can see how this will help be become a faster runner and prevent injuries as I incorporate TRX Yoga Fusion into my cross training routine.

The focus of the class was Your Will.  We ended the class with a short relaxation and time to focus on your will and how that relates back to your life as an athlete....your will to succeed, your will to train hard, push your self past conceived limits, and your will to achieve your goals.  

In the end, I'm glad I experienced this TRX Yoga Fusion because it totally changed my perspective on yoga and how it relates to athletes and myself as a runner.  I loved the new physical and mental challenge.   I  look forward to signing up for more TRX Yoga classes in the near future!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Keeps Getting Better

Hold on.  It Keeps Getting Better.  Hold On.  It Keeps Getting Better.

As if TRX Boot Camp wasn't already hard enough with strength building exercises that isolate and fire muscles I didn't know I had and intensity that makes me sweat more than my last half marathon... we added a new challenge today.  Counting.  Yes, counting.  This evening we had several 5 minute rounds.  We alternated between two exercises for 5 minutes.  The trick here was counting 30 of one exercise, then switching to do 30 of the other, then back to the first.

Now, I'd like to think I'm an intelligent person... college educated young professional in Atlanta, but counting to 30 proved to be a whole new challenge today.  Here's an example of one round: 30 TRX single leg balance lunge (15 on the right and then 15 on the left) then we flipped around for 30 TRX Jacks.  These were actually really fun.... so I may have lost count and did more than 30.  Once you completed 30 and 30 you started back over with the 30 TRX single leg balance lunges.... no breaks.  I was sweating!  This really got your blood pumping.  So we finished two more 5 minute rounds with exercises like single leg chest presses, squats with mid rows, tricep extensions and squat thrusts with mountain climbers - UGH!  That was pretty tough. I don't like squat thrusts, and I really don't like mountain climbers.... so why would the instructor combine them and make us do 20 in the middle of this insane work out.  There were definitely some new moves that I don't exactly remember.  I was too busy counting.

Counting to 30 was hard because there are so many other things running through my head to ensure that I get the most out of this workout.  I have to watch my form.  Are my hips in line?  Are my hands and feet where they need to be?  Is my core engaged and everything squeezed tight?  Am I firing my glutes when I need to?  Oh wait, don't forget to breathe! And now count... ok seriously?  After a long day of work, can my brain handle all that?  Yes, it did.  I can do anything now!

After those 5 minute rounds we had to speed things up and bit for a few "lightning rounds"  This time we had a handful of exercises that lasted about 45-30 seconds each.  We were flying through these transitions.  It's nice to finally get the hang of the TRX and understand the different cues from the instructor... like toes in the cradles, heels in the cradles, mid-calf, full length, and mid-length.  As soon as we finished one move, we quickly reset and got ready for the next.  No breaks, no time to breath, just go go go.  This is where the real "dig deep- push yourself" mentality comes in need.  If I wasn't driven to reach my goal of becoming a faster runner, then I could easily cruised through this and been bored with the workout.... but that won't happen.

I'm competitive.  I like winning.  But I also like training hard, hard than my competition, and seeing the benefits of my hard work.  In TRX Boot Camp, I'm surrounded by many other people who feel the same way.  So if I like to win, that means I have to do the most, the best, the hardest of each TRX exercise, and the guy next to me is thinking the exact same thing.

As I felt myself getting stronger and faster, this song got stuck in my head.  I realized I'm getting addicted to this TRX Boot Camp.  Day after day, this just keeps getting better.  

Looking forward to another great workout tomorrow!  You think you're ready for the TRX Boot Camp Challenge?

Monday, July 16, 2012

I Need... A Minute... To Catch... My Breath

Hold on, let me catch my breath a few seconds so I can recap tonight's TRX Boot Camp.

Ok.... now I'm ready.  Tonight's class was all about using the TRX to work on your core and cardio.  We did several rounds of exercises that were based on strength building, developing your core, and cardio to get the blood pumping!

I was tired going into the class today.  I had a busy weekend and probably didn't get enough sleep.  I started off feeling a little sluggish and slow but that quickly changed.  It had to.  There's no way to slack off or take it easy in TRX Boot Camp.  

We went through several rounds of exercises and each set of exercises focused on strength, core, and cardio.  The instructor was right on us the whole time.  She was counting the pace and the whole group had to keep up with her.  Sometimes this meant slow and controlled strength movements like bicep curls and tricep extensions.  Sometimes it was fast paced quick moves repeated over and over.  Then we moved to a core exercise like ab bridge, roll outs, or oblique V-Ups.  I'll have nightmare of those V-Ups for sure!  For two of our cardio rounds we did the "Moves of the Day".  These were TRX front squats and  TRX runners' start.  Trust me... this is more than just a squat and step back lunge.  These are intensely insane.  Again, because this is cardio focused you had to do them fast.  And not only are these fast, but also crazy hard.  The best part about these two moves is the fact that you can increase the challenge by adding a hop.  I know you're thinking, a hop?  What's the big deal about a hop?  Well, you try a minute of TRX front squats with a hop .  Then try to answer the question..... I'll give you a few seconds to catch your breath first.

I'm loving every minute of this TRX Boot Camp!  I came in today tired, sluggish, and feeling over all dull.  I left feeling energized and strong like a Super Hero!  

Can't wait to see what new challenge they have for me in TRX Boot Camp tomorrow!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Oww! What muscle is that?

Head and shoulders, Knees and toes.....  more than just a playground song for kids.  This could be a more adequate description of areas of my body that were aching after Thursday night's TRX Boot Camp!  It would probably be better to say head, shoulders, knees, toes, and everything in between. 

We rounded out the first week of TRX Boot Camp with a class called "Back and Balance".  As the name implied, we worked every muscle up and down the back of your body.  When you change the level of balance, you also change the level of difficulty. So as you decrease your stability, you increase your difficulty.

As a runner, I think the back is probably one of the most neglected areas of focus.  We spend 99.9% of our time running forward, so that means we think about the chest, shoulders (sometimes), quads, and abs.  After completing this TRX Boot Camp focused on the back, I really see how under developed my back is and why it is important that I spend more time strengthening the posterior chain. 

One of the coolest things about TRX Boot Camp is the amount of education.  As a runner, I've trained by running.  At first I thought that was the right thing to do.  If I want to run 13.1 miles, then I start by running 3, then 4, then 5, etc.  Slowly working my way up to 13 miles, right?  No.  Wrong.  I've learned that it's more about balance and symmetry. Every muscle is connected.  You need a strong back to keep a correct posture, keeping the chest lifted and shoulders down and back. You need a strong lower back to properly support your hips.  If your lower back is weak, you'll have hamstring problems, that leads to knee issues, that leads to the ankles injuries.... I think you see the picture.  Running is not just about moving forward, but about the whole body being connected and  completely working together. 

The workout focused on one side at a time, full body posterior focus.  Seriously, I felt muscles working that I never even knew existed.   Especially as we did the TRX one armed row with rotation.  The name may sound overwhelming but you have the TRX in one hand, lower yourself back, rotate the opposite shoulder to the ground, then back to neutral, and use your back to pull your body back to the standing position.  It's actually a quite simple movement with a big effect! I was amazed that I could actually feel muscles in my back contracting and working that I had never noticed before.

Another exercise that really worked the back and core at the same time was the TRX Roll Out.  This reminded me of the old school Ab-Roller that you used to see on late night infomercials.  As you slowly lower your body down with your arms stretched in front of you, you can feel each and every muscle in your back engage to stabilize your body.  Unless you want to fall flat on your face and eat pavement, you have to feel the burn.  Some of the vets were able to do this move on their toes or on one foot.  This brings in the balance and stability factor of the workout.  If it sounds hard, it looks even harder!  I have a new goal to correctly complete a one legged TRX Roll Out by the end of the month.  These types of slow and controlled movement really help build strength.  This is just a whole new world from of training that I've never done before.  It's great to discover new muscles based on the amount of soreness and aches that you feel the next morning.  No pain, no gain... right?

This is the TRX Roll Out.  Just so you know.... we have way more fun in the park!  Who doesn't love working out with nature? :)

I was certainly feeling the sore and tired muscle aches on Friday morning.... and that was just after two days!  I ran about 3.5 miles Saturday morning and could really feel the difference from the first two TRX workouts. My posture and form were much better. I felt strong and light on my feet! I'm excited to see how this comes together to complete the picture and make me a better, stronger, faster runner.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

TRX 101

Please note the new blog name.  I quickly realized this was a new challenge for me so the blog is now

So today was the day.  I completed (barely) my first TRX Boot Camp session.  Wow.  Wow is the only word that I can use to describe that.  I thought I was a strong athlete.  And why not, I run all the time.  I do crunches and planks and the basic ab work.  This TRX Boot Camp is a whole new animal!

Lauren is our instructor and she approached me before the class and we chatted a bit to get to know each other better.  She asked why I signed up for the class, what my goals were, and if I had any injuries.  Luckily I don't, however, the "vet" next to me had some injuries that Lauren remembered from last month.  I watched and listened as Lauren explained to the vet  a move that we would be doing in the class.  She said to the vet, "I know this will be painful for you with your back and shoulder injury, so you can adapt it like this ________.  You should be feeling your muscles work here, but no pain."

Talk about some personal service!  Lauren took the time to listen, acknoweldge the current situation, make adaptions, and give this vet the personal attention she needed to get a good workout, prevent further injury, and work toward healing the current problem.  You can't even get that from a personal trainer and we had about 10-15 people in class tonight.

So we started the class with a warm up and while Lauren directed us through warm up she also introduced us to the parts of the TRX.  She explained all the parts and how we use them from top to bottom.  And then the fun started.  We dove right in to this scary and intimadating sea that is called TRX Boot Camp.  We went through an entire full body work out.  We worked our biceps, tricepts, chest, quads, abs, back.... everything.  It was all jello when I left.

Here's a little map of the TRX.  We used the yellow and black ones on the right side.

Some of the exercises were beginner-basic level, but Lauren quickly gave us "progression" options.  She explained how we can use the TRX and our own bodies to make each exercise more difficult.  That's a no brainer.  I'm up for the challenge and ready to push myself.  I liked all the options to increase difficulty.

When running, I've often say to myself "You can do anything for 5 more minutes."  Well, today, in TRX Boot Camp, I learned that's a lot harder for just 2 minutes of TRX exercises.  We went through each exercise for about 2 minutes.  That sure doesn't sound like much, but when I was doing rows, tricep extensions, push ups, etc. on the TRX, I was lucky to get 30 seconds of work before I needed a break.

Oh wait, did I tell you that stopping was one of the TRX Deadly Sins.  Yep, there's no stopping here.  And surprisingly, that's ok.  It's ok because there are also "regressions" to go with the progressions.  So just like the opposite of what we learned before, when you get fatigued you can regress your exercise and keep going.  There's no need to quit.  You can just keep going and pushing as much as you can. 

Regressions also help protect form.  There was a lot of focus on correct form tonight.  This helps prevent injuries.  I'm a big fan of that.  I have a half marathon coming up this fall and I can't get hurt now.  Luckily, I don't see that happening anytime soon!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Rain Rain Go Away....

Well, all that anticipation and my first day of TRX Boot Camp was canceled due to the weather.  This radar wasn't playing around.  The thunder was rolling in and it showed no signs of stopping anytime soon.

While waiting on the storm I was able to chat with some new friends who have worked out on the TRX before.  These guys are called "vets" because they've already been through one TRX Boot Camp.  It was reassuring to see that they have been through the TRX boot camp and liked it enough to come back.  I also noticed how one vet and instructor hugged and said how much they missed each other.  Last week was an off week for them so only a week went by and they really missed each other.  Wow.  These folks really have a connection. 

As the storm continued to approach faster and faster we made the call to cancel the work out today.  Although I was slightly disappointed, I did respect the lead instructor's decision to put our safety first. 

Ok, so this update may have been lackluster, but tomorrow's update will be much more exciting. 

.... Come again another day.  We want to go outside and play!